This is a great opportunity for you to interact and share what you have learnt, and the obstacles that you have had to overcome to understand a new concept. I believe that we all have different ways of learning and understanding. By sharing our experiences, we can help others to...
Andrej’s Travels
I have had many opportunities to teach around the world. Normally I fly into a location the day before, book into the hotel, teach the seminar and fly back home the next day. I have been asked on several occasions to comment on the culture of the countries that I...
Michael Speaks
Success in life starts with understanding who you are and that you are in far more control of your life than you believe. Your mind is a computer, and you are the programmer! Whatever you input into your mind becomes your reality. Self-Development is about undoing all your human conditioning....
Who is Andrej?
Who is Andrej? The question should be “Who is Andrej today?” To answer the question, you need to know who I was yesterday. I left school at the age of seventeen with no academic qualifications and started work in a factory office. After 25 years I worked hard and found...