Andrej Djordjevitch

“Remember you cannot fail at being yourself”

Andrej Djordjevitch

In Person Courses

2024 Events


19 to 21 July 2024

Trance Healing and Speaking Seminar, Colombier, Switzerland 19th - 21st July 2024, English with French Translation

This weekend consists of a 2 day Trance Seminar with Andrej Djordjevitch DSNU who is a Tutor and Course Organiser at the Arthur Findlay College.

This magical journey will include the following:

  • Trance Healing
  • Trance Speaking
  • Self-Healing

You will journey to meet your guides who will help you to detach from the healing process and allow the infinite intelligence to energetically send the healing energy wherever it is needed.

You will then start to explore the power of Trance Speaking where you will learn to allow your guides of wisdom and knowledge to blend with your thoughts and then you will experience how to speak and share that information in the trance state.

You will also have an opportunity to heal yourself and to gain the clarity in your life to make changes in your life that will bring you joy and happiness.

There will be an opportunity to attend a Trance demonstration on Friday evening where Andrej’s Guide Michael will talk to you, answer questions and demonstrate Trance Healing.

Places will be limited so if you are interested, please contact Olivia Juillerat:

Trance Healing Seminar Andrej Djordjevitch


du 19 au 21 juillet 2024

Stage de soins par la transe (Trance Healing) et de communication par la transe (Trance Speaking) Colombier, Suisse, du 19 au 21 juillet 2024 En anglais avec traduction française

Ce week-end (20-21 juillet) est un stage de transe d’une durée de 2 jours avec Andrej Djordjevitch DSNU, enseignant et organisateur de cours au Arthur Findlay College situé au Royaume-Uni.
Ce voyage merveilleux comprendra les sujets suivants :

  • Soins par la transe (Trance Healing)
  • Communication par la transe (Trance Speaking)
  • Auto-guérison (Self-Healing)

Vous serez amenés à aller à la rencontre de vos guides qui vous aideront à vous détacher du processus de soin et de guérison et qui permettront à l’intelligence infinie d’envoyer, de manière énergétique, l’énergie de soin là où elle est nécessaire.

Vous commencerez ensuite à explorer la puissance de la communication par la transe (Trance Speaking), vous apprendrez à laisser vos guides de sagesse et de connaissance se mêler à vos pensées puis vous ferez l’expérience de comment exprimer et partager des informations durant l’état de transe.

Vous aurez également l’occasion de pratiquer l’auto-guérison (Self-Healing) et d’atteindre un état de clarté vous permettant de procéder à des changements dans votre vie qui vous apporteront joie et bonheur.

Le vendredi soir (19 juillet), vous aurez l’opportunité d’assister à une démonstration de transe durant laquelle Michael, le guide d’Andrej, vous parlera, répondra à vos questions et fera une démonstration de soins par la transe.

Les places sont limitées et si vous êtes intéressé-e-s à participer à ce stage, merci de contacter Olivia Juillerat à l’adresse mail suivante :

Trance Healing Seminar Andrej Djordjevitch


9 to 11 August 2024

Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching - Luxembourg 9th-11th August 2024

Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching comes to Luxembourg!

This weekend is three days of Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching with Andrej Djordjevitch DSNU who is a Tutor and Course Organiser at the Arthur Findlay College.

This is the next stage of your Trance Development where you will learn how to fine tune and holistically express your Trance Healing.

Andrej will teach you how to build upon your current relationship with the infinite intelligence. Here is a portion of what you will explore and learn.

    • Learn how to assess the body’s energetic field for identifying current spiritual paths and revealing one’s calling or future potential
    • Learn to assess the flow of energy your client is manifesting
    • Allow this omnipotent presence to speak through you and deliver key messages addressing your client’s most important questions & personal needs
    • Discover the soul’s specific gifts and ways they are to be expressed
    • Reveal hidden gifts ready to be awakened
    • Learn how to integrate spiritual assessments into your current healing or reading practice
    • Offer a transformational spiritual life coaching private session for your clients
    • Deepen the Trance State
Luxembourg Flag


30 August - 1 September 2024

Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching Stavanger, Norway 30th August - 1st September 2024

Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching comes to Norway!

This weekend is three days of Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching with Andrej Djordjevitch DSNU who is a Tutor and Course Organiser at the Arthur Findlay College.

This is the next stage of your Trance Development where you will learn how to fine tune and holistically express the Intelligence of the Universe.

Andrej will teach you how to build upon your current relationship with the infinite intelligence. Here is a portion of what you will explore and learn.

    • Learn how to assess the body’s energetic field for identifying current spiritual paths and revealing one’s calling or future potential
    • Learn to assess the flow of energy your client is manifesting
    • Allow this omnipotent presence to speak through you and deliver key messages addressing your client’s most important questions & personal needs
    • Discover the soul’s specific gifts and ways they are to be expressed
    • Reveal hidden gifts ready to be awakened
    • Learn how to integrate spiritual assessments into your current healing or reading practice
    • Offer a transformational spiritual life coaching private session for your clients

Contact Grete Plener

Norwegian Flag Andrej Djordjevitch


27 to 29 September 2024

Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching, Corcelles-le-Jorat (VD): Switzerland 27th -29th September 2024, English with French Translation

Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching comes to Corcelles-le-Jorat, Switzerland!

This weekend is three days of Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching with Andrej Djordjevitch DSNU who is a Tutor and Course Organiser at the Arthur Findlay College.

This is the next stage of your Trance Development where you will learn how to fine tune and holistically express your Trance Healing.

Andrej will teach you how to build upon your current relationship with the infinite intelligence. Here is a portion of what you will explore and learn.

    • Learn how to assess the body’s energetic field for identifying current spiritual paths and revealing one’s calling or future potential
    • Learn to assess the flow of energy your client is manifesting
    • Allow this omnipotent presence to speak through you and deliver key messages addressing your client’s most important questions & personal needs
    • Discover the soul’s specific gifts and ways they are to be expressed
    • Reveal hidden gifts ready to be awakened
    • Learn how to integrate spiritual assessments into your current healing or reading practice
    • Offer a transformational spiritual life coaching private session for your clients
Trance Healing Seminar Andrej Djordjevitch


11 to 13 October 2024

Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching. Boras Sweden 11th - 13th October 2024

Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching comes to Sweden!

This weekend is three days of Transformational Spiritual Life Coaching with Andrej Djordjevitch DSNU who is a Tutor and Course Organiser at the Arthur Findlay College.

This is the next stage of your Trance Development where you will learn how to fine tune and holistically express your Trance Healing.

Andrej will teach you how to build upon your current relationship with the infinite intelligence. Here is a portion of what you will explore and learn.

    • Learn how to assess the body’s energetic field for identifying current spiritual paths and revealing one’s calling or future potential
    • Learn to assess the flow of energy your client is manifesting
    • Allow this omnipotent presence to speak through you and deliver key messages addressing your client’s most important questions & personal needs
    • Discover the soul’s specific gifts and ways they are to be expressed
    • Reveal hidden gifts ready to be awakened
    • Learn how to integrate spiritual assessments into your current healing or reading practice
    • Offer a transformational spiritual life coaching private session for your clients


Swedish Flag Andrej Djordjevitch


2 to 9 November 2024

Journey Into The World Of Trance - 2nd to 9th November 2024

Location: Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, Stansted Mountfitchet
Essex, CM24 8UD United Kingdom

Join Andrej and his team on a voyage of discovery as we will explore together the Trance dimensions and you will discover your unique interaction with your Spirit Team and your ongoing potential.

This week is an ideal opportunity to explore all forms of the Trance State to enable you to understand what resonates with you and your Spirit Team and how to develop that skill.

This will include:

  • Trance Healing
  • Trance Speaking
  • Trance Communication

This is a week of experimentation and of deepening the link that you already have and to learn how to fully share your mind with the Spirit World and the wonderful energies that interact with you.

Your uniqueness is your strength NOT your weakness and this will be encouraged not only by a team of expert tutors at the college but also by the teachers from the Spirit World who are ready to support you in your Trance Development.

This week will be a wonderful journey into the world of Trance, and we very much look forward to working with you and your Spirit Team.

Arthur Findlay College Andrej Djordjevitch

2025 Events


19 to 24 January 2025

Healing Mediumship for the 21st Century - 19th to 24th January 2025

Location: Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, Stansted Mountfitchet
Essex, CM24 8UD United Kingdom

This is an intensive and cutting-edge Healing Course which will build on traditional Healing Techniques and experiment with new techniques and ideas which will help you develop your Healing Mediumship.

You will have the opportunity to gain a solid foundation in Spiritualist Healing and practice cutting edge techniques which will enable you to expand on what you have already learnt and experience new innovative ideas.

Self-growth and self-healing pay a major part in your development, and this will be an essential part of your experience in this exciting week.

This week is an ideal opportunity for exploration into the different levels of consciousness that are used in the Healing process.

Healing Mediumship can be one of the most beautiful and meaningful experiences as it can open the doors to the realms of light and love that can be the foundation for your interaction with the Spirit World.

If you are interested in Healing or would like to expand on your current Healing modality, then this week would be perfect for you.

If any of the above resonate with you then please join us on a voyage of discovery as we explore new horizons of pure spiritual growth.


Arthur Findlay College Andrej Djordjevitch


24 to 31 May 2025

Innovative Trance Healing - 24th to 31st May 2025

Location: Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, Stansted Mountfitchet
Essex, CM24 8UD United Kingdom

This is an intensive and cutting-edge Trance Healing Course which will build on traditional Trance Healing Techniques and experiment with new techniques and ideas which will help you develop your Trance Healing Mediumship.

This week is an ideal opportunity for exploration into the different levels of consciousness during the Healing process.

You will experience a week full of innovation and new ideas on how to develop your Trance Healing.

You will be encouraged and guided into an understanding of your unique connection with the Spirit World and the Healing Intelligence.

Self-growth and a sound understanding of who you are and how you interact with the Spirit World will be an essential part of your unfoldment during this week.

If you are interested in Healing, or practice any Healing modality, then learning to expand into the Trance State of consciousness can greatly enhance the experience.

Your uniqueness is your strength NOT your weakness and this will be encouraged not only by a team of expert tutors at the college but also by the teachers from the Spirit World who are ready to support you in your Trance Healing Development.


Arthur Findlay College Andrej Djordjevitch


18 to 25 October 2025

French week 2 - 18th to 25th October 2025

Location: Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, Stansted Mountfitchet
Essex, CM24 8UD United Kingdom

L’Arthur Findlay Collège, situé dans le magnifique Stansted Hall entouré d’un parc idyllique, offre la bienvenue aux étudiants en médiumnité francophones. Les cours s’adressent à tous les niveaux : débutants, intermédiaires et avancés. Une vaste palette de sujets seront traités, tels que la médiumnité mentale, la conscience, la transe et les états de conscience modifiés, la guérison, le rôle de l’esprit et plus encore.

Les journées seront organisées autour de méditations, de conférences, de sessions de groupe et de démonstrations de médiumnité. Des séances privées avec les enseignants seront également proposées. Vous apprendrez à discerner la présence de l’esprit et à travailler avec cette magnifique puissance qui nous montre que la vie est immortelle et que l’amour comble le vide laissé par la mort.

La médiumnité est sacrée et devrait être traitée avec respect et révérence. Elle amène la guérison à tous ceux qui l’approchent en changeant la vision de leur vie. Cela marquera le début de la croissance de votre âme et renforcera votre relation avec le divin.

Cette semaine vous apportera une étonnante nouvelle vision et beaucoup de nouveaux amis. Si vous pensez que c’est la voie que vous recherchez, rejoignez l’équipe expérimentée pour une semaine de travail acharné mais pleine de plaisir.

The Arthur Findlay College, situated at beautiful and elegant Stansted Hall and surrounded by idyllic grounds, welcomes all French-speaking students of mediumship. We cater for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced. We offer a wide range of subjects including mental mediumship, awareness, trance and altered states, healing, the role of the mind and much more.

The week will be full of meditations, lectures, group sessions and demonstrations of mediumship and you can book a private sitting with a tutor. You will learn to discern the presence of spirit and work with that wonderful power that shows us that life is immortal, and that love bridges the gap of death.

Mediumship is sacred and should be treated with reverence and with respect. It will bring healing to all those involved, and it will ultimately change your outlook on life. This marks the beginning of your soul growth and it will strengthen your relationship with the Divine.

This week will bring you amazing new insights and lots of new friends. If you feel that this is what you are seeking, then come and join the expert team for a week of hard work and plenty of fun.


Arthur Findlay College Andrej Djordjevitch


1 to 8 November 2025

Journey into the world of trance - 1st to 8th November 2025

Location: Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, Stansted Mountfitchet
Essex, CM24 8UD United Kingdom

Join Andrej and his team on a voyage of discovery as we will explore together the Trance dimensions and you will discover your unique interaction with your Spirit Team and learn to explore that joint potential.

This week is suitable for those who want to learn about Trance and for existing Trance Mediums who want to deepen and expand the Trance process.

This week is an ideal opportunity to explore all forms of the Trance State to enable you to understand what resonates with you and your Spirit Team and how to develop that skill.

This will include:

    • Trance Healing: You will learn to surrender to the Healing Intelligence and allow the Healing Energy to flow through you unhindered.
    • Trance Speaking: You will learn to allow the Intelligence of the Spirit World to speak, unhindered by your normal human thought and ideas.
    • Trance Communication: You will learn to communicate with The Spirit World at a far deeper level and share the energy of discarnate Spirit, and the intelligence of the Spirit World to help others at all levels of their being.

This is a week of experimentation and of deepening the link that you already have and to learn how to fully share your mind with the Spirit World and the wonderful energies that interact with you.

Your uniqueness is your strength NOT your weakness and this will be encouraged not only by a team of expert tutors at the college but also by the teachers from the Spirit World who are ready to support you in your Trance Development.

This week will be a wonderful journey into the world of Trance, and we very much look forward to working with you and your Spirit Team.


Arthur Findlay College Andrej Djordjevitch


15 to 16 November 2025

Trance Healing Seminar - 15th to 16th November 2025

Location: Ostermundigen, Bern, Switzerland

This weekend is a Trance exploration with Andrej Djordjevitch DSNU who is a Tutor and Course Organiser at the Arthur Findlay College.

Trance is a natural state of mind that allows you to share a portion of your mind with the intelligence of the Universe, you decide how much of your mind you wish to share.

This magical journey will include the following:

  • Trance Healing
  • Trance Speaking

You will journey to meet your guides who will help you to detach from the healing process and allow the infinite intelligence to energetically send the healing energy wherever it is needed.

You will then start to explore the power of Trance Speaking where you will learn to allow your guides of wisdom to blend with your thoughts and provide your client with information that they need to hear for their growth and healing.

Andrej is an international Teaching Medium and specialises in Trance Mediumship.

He travels all over the world sharing his knowledge of Trance Healing to as many people as possible.

For Booking contact

Trance Healing Seminar Andrej Djordjevitch