Andrej Djordjevitch – Annette’s Testimonial

A student shares the benefits of repeating Andrej’s trance mentorships:

Why repeat?

I am now doing my 4th year of mentorship and I am enjoying it so much, as I did with each of the mentorships and seminars I participated in. Each time I am amazed of this process, of my progress, and how I feel of Andrej’s teaching. His teaching is always evolving, which is also changing my process and awareness of trance. I perceive it as becoming ever simpler and straighter into the energy. What remains constant is the feeling to witness a miracle and the gratitude to be part of it. What also remains constant is that it is always pure love and positivity and thus very strengthening and resourceful.

It is amazing seeing Andrej stepping out of his comfort zone and growing as a teacher, and the ongoing progression since the first year. I started as a beginner and benefited from being part of a group with a mix of all levels, beginners up to working professionals in this space, all coming with individual motivations and objectives, but all so dedicated to progress, learn, and support each other.

Andrej creates a neutral space, offering room for individual perception and development.  The process leaves space for a huge degree of freedom. It is about learning to connect to oneself, to trust and have faith in oneself as well as a strong belief in positivity and inner strength. Given my own evolvement also the process and / or my perception of it evolved over time. There was never the feeling of stagnation or repetition, but always amazement about what is possible.

Some practical advantages about why I always came to the conclusion to sign up once more:

  • The mentorship programs give a frame for a structured learning and growth process in a highly dedicated group.
  • The dates are planned for the full year. It makes participation plannable and there is always something to look forward to throughout the year with the weekend webinars, the special topic weekends, and the practice groups.
  • The process is never repeating, there is always something new and challenging, providing new perspectives and focus. 
  • The program is, thanks to the great engagement of Elle and Jane, so professionally well organized and supported. A lot of effort and planning is put into delivering the best experience and working environment.
  • Setting the right tone from the beginning creates a safe space driven by positivity, respect, and dedication. Over all the years it was always a group of people to trust, feeling safe to open up and feeling the heartfelt dedication of everyone to do their best to support and uplift each other.

I am still in contact with ‘classmates’ from previous years, meeting in regular trance circles. It is also logical to move on, continue with one’s own pathway or to try something else. I am also looking into other areas and teachings, which I also enjoy. Nevertheless, I find in these mentorship programs with this team a perfect framework with views and approaches that resonate with me, which provide a degree of freedom, self-development, and support that I appreciate. It is a platform for healing and personal growth, and reflection in my life. It is this never-ending source of new experiences, insights and blessings along the pathway that has kept my excitement and amazement over the years and for which I feel a deep gratitude. 


Annette, Switzerland